is about using the OpenGL Shader Language
GLSL with
the free and open Python Library
(Hier ist die deutschsprachige Version)
I finally decided to put my GLSL experiments online - as an inspiration to other
programmers. Hopefully this will be evolving into an “intermediate level tutorial”
for Shader Programming in GLSL.
This is all free and open source - use it at your own risk and have fun with it !
I use the free software tools I found best for me to make graphics
I found Pyglet when I was looking for
Rapid Prototyping for Graphics Applications
OpenGL Programming with GLSL
Cross Plattform OpenGL Support (Windows, Linux, perhaps others)
Easy Installation (preferably USB-Stick portable)
Let us begin:
Example 1 Start with making the OpenGL Pyglet Example Program “” interactive (no GLSL here)
Example 3 adding a nice texturemap, introducing pyglet resources
Example 6 Vertex Offset Shader for Deformable Objects
Example 7 Anisotropic Specular Highlights for Hair with GLSL (hair, brushed metal, silk)
Example 8 Environmental Bump Mapping with GLSL Cube Mapping
The Grab Bag: useful stuff and tools - Bumpmap Converter, Realtime Shadows
If you find Bugs, Improvements or just want to say hello: write to pythonstuff_at_gmx_dot_at.
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